Jesus prayed every day. He modelled how key this was to his disciples both in terms of His relationship with God and His ministry. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and the early church devoted themselves to personal and corporate prayer. At times we can find prayer difficult but the truth is that we are dependent on God and 'asking' is a non-negotiable aspect of Kingdom life.
This is our regular opportunity to pray together as a whole church. These happen once a month on a Tuesday evening from 8pm in term-time. They're either held at the King’s Centre or on Zoom.
These evenings tend to start with a time of worship. We then focus on two or three themes to pray about, interspersed with different people sharing an update, encouragement or inspiration to fuel and direct our prayers.
We regularly devote a whole week, or even longer, to praying as a church. These tend to be near the beginning of term and involve a number of Prayer & Share meetings across the week, as well as stimuli to help you pray on your own.