We have many strong friendships with other churches around the world especially in Mexico, Zimbabwe and USA.


Fuente De Vida Church (Fountain of Life) is based in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico. It is a church which is very active in serving their local community through serving the poor, prison ministry, helping street children and the homeless.


River of Life Church, Westgate is based in the city of Harare, Zimbabwe. As a church they have championed a number of projects to help the poor in their community including running a school for those who cannot access state education and a medical programme, as well as serving numbers of churches in the rural areas of Zimbabwe and neighbouring countries.


Called 'Newfrontiers Church' it is based in the state of New Hampshire, USA. As a church they have a number of ministries that seek to serve and reach out to the communities around them, providing both practical and spiritual help as well as helping a number of other churches along the East coast of America.